Iceland Day 4

Quickly changing landscapes today. From the start of our drive:

Seljalandsfoss waterfall is the first in a whole row of falls along a cliff.

Gljúfrabúi waterfall, or Hidden waterfall, is just down the cliff. My pictures stink, we weren’t equipped with a way to keep the lens cap dry. Much better pictures on Google!

The Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 was the one that ground European aviation to a halt. Under a glacier, it spewed very fine ash into the upper atmosphere, not much lava deposited on the ground. We drove right by, but the clouds were too low to see much, including the glacier. Compare what we did see with the roadside information sign.

Little hobbit buildings of all kinds and in all states of repair built around a rock on land in front of a farm. There are stories here, but what they are is a mystery to us.

Skógafoss waterfall. 547 steps, then a very extended trail along the river that goes on for days. We only walked about half an hour in. Looked like a Game of Thrones filming location.

Dyrhólaey peninsula

Laufskálavarða is a lava ridge, surrounded by stone cairns, between the Hólmsá and Skálmá Rivers, close to the road north of Álftaver. Travelers crossing the desert of Mýrdalssandur for the first time would pile stones up to make a cairn, which was supposed to bring them good fortune on the journey.